Thursday, July 30, 2009

Preparations; Update: GP, home

Well hello there, strangers. I hope we haven't grown too far apart in the millenia since we last met.

My apologies for abandoning the posts on wagering - upon receiving a little feedback I had to consider whether my audience actually had any interest in them... There is no use after all in regularly posting if the posts are regularly unread! So I concluded that frankly, there was little use keeping them up. If I was going to take blogging more seriously (as I have half-arsedly considered in the past), I will keep that idea as an option - an option to develop a niche audience, of course, not to alienate the friends I already have.

I will update briefly, though, while I am here. My return so far this year has exceeded expectations (and goals). Partly I am getting more used to it, but primarily I have revised my assessment of the risks of wagering. I realised that a significant risk at any given round is mitigated by the averaging of similar risks over a ten-eighteen round season - short term risk is distinct from long-term. Net average returns is a much more dominant variable - and so far that has proven the case.

I have also looked into alternative agents and have been informed that a few international transaction companies (e.g. Moneybookers and Neteller) provide means to fund overseas betting agents. I have opened a Neteller account though I am yet to use it.

In news closer to home, both the bikes have been painted. No photos of Jill yet (still haven't put her together), but of Jesus I've taken a few - . The experience was as laborious as expected, though considerably slower. The 'painting two is only a little more difficult than painting one' rationale completely ignored the glaring fact that sanding is the primary component of a paintjob. The result was largely better than expected, except that the last batch bubbled - I still don't know why. But I do know that there was no way at that stage that I was redoing any, so that was that. Sort of a shame, but still quite happy with the result. Not a perfectly smooth surface, but a good gloss and overall positive appearance - no excessive peel like the last job, and no strong demand for polishing.

So, with that done, the racebike is for sale. BUY IT! NOW! HURRY, SO I CAN LEAVE THIS TOWN FOR FINER LOCALES.

The plan is to have headed North within the week. By North I really do mean North - until the roads run out, and the dirt track which winds its way into the distance proves too much of a challenge for the SV and my nerves.

You know about my plans for the rest of the year, right? Good. And I'm glad to hear you're still jealous.

As a result, the diary will be changing back to its original self - the motodiary of an intrepid adventurer. It WILL BE AN ADVENTURE, and you will be able to read about it. No guarantee on regularity - but there are a range of options these days should that be a problem for you.

Until then.
